Resume Writing and Interview Readiness

IMPA Gurgaon Chapter collaborated with Literacy India to conduct a series of soft skills training sessions as a Pilot Project. The sessions were designed and curated for 20 students to enhance their communication and employability skills.

The final sessions were designed & conducted on the topics of Resume Writing, Interview Readiness, and Mock Interviews. The sessions were organised every week for two months - June to July.

The session on Resume Writing focussed on the importance of a resume, the difference between a CV and a Resume, the dos and don’ts of Resume Writing, action verbs to use, ATS screening, and sharing sample resume examples and templates. Facilitated by Ms. Joya Lal and Ms. Shivani Arora, it was a much-appreciated session.

The last session of Interview Readiness & Mock Interviews focussed on the importance of a personal interview, SWOT Analysis, stages of an interview, frequently asked Interview Questions, interview-appropriate body language, and interview etiquette. Facilitated by Ms. Deepika Sarna, Ms. Sanchita Janwani, and Ms. Jaya Girdhar was an engaging session and very well received.

Kudos to Joya, Shivani, Deepika, Sanchita, and Jaya for selfless efforts and commitment!