For any professional Image Consultant, it is important to keep developing skills to move ahead in the profession and achieve greater heights.
IMPA CLC framework provides the roadmap for this continuous learning process for all their Certified Members.
The CLC framework has been developed to enable all certified members of IMPA to:
To sustain Certification Levels and to progress to higher levels of Certification, certain level of CLCs areto be earned by the Members. The IMPA Board will examine the activities undertaken by the Member through the CLC claim forms submitted with detailed proof and permit renewal or higher certification of the Member.
CLCs are earned in three ways –
The CLC ELIGIBILIGY CHART defines the number of CLCs eligible for each activity and accordingly the CLCs for each member will be compiled. (Refer Annexure I)
The Member Consultants will have to submit
a CLC CLAIM FORMto IMPA at the time of renewal of
membership and while applying for certification, giving the list of activities
participated in and the CLC’s claimed therefor during the previous year. The
activities will be verified along with the proof submitted and the CLCs earned
would be confirmed to the Member by IMPA.It is advisable that the individual members
maintain a complete record of all the IMPA activities attended, undertaken by
them as per the CLC Chart, which would help them to submit the CLC CLAIM
FORM (Refer Annexure II)at the time of renewal andwhile applying for certification.
Certification Level |
Minimum term for next level |
CLCs required for each year of the term |
IMPA Certified Professional |
1 Year |
10 |
IMPA Certified Associate | 2 Years | 20 |
IMPA Certified Senior Associate | 5 Years | 30 |
IMPA Certified Master | - | - |
While it is extremely important to earn as many CLCs as possible to achieve professional growth, the CLCs cannot be carried forward from one year to another.
Learning Events: Knowledge/Educational Events/Sessions organised by IMPA Chapters for the benefit of the members from time to time, in the categories of IMPA Class, IMPA Expert Class and IMPA Master Class.
The topic/subject of these classes will be such that it aids/develops and assists an Image Professional in his/her work. For example:
IMPA Class: A half-day to full day workshop conducted online or offline, on topics related to Image Managementby a Certified member/memberof IMPA, who is a domain or subject matter specialist.These will be organized as National Learning (Paid) Events by the Chapters with the approval of IMPA Board.
IMPA Class (External):IMPA Class can be conducted byan external“Subject Matter Expert”from the industry, as approved by the IMPA Managing Committee. These will be organized as online National Learning (Paid) Events by the Chapters with the approval of IMPA Board.
IMPA Expert Class: A half, one day or two-day workshop conducted by an IMPA Senior Associate (3rd level certified) online or offline, to gain deeper knowledge in any subject matter relating to Image Consulting or development of business of Image Professionals. These will be organized as National Learning (Paid) Events by the Chapters with the approval of IMPA Board.
For example:
IMPA Master Class: A half, one or a two-day workshop conducted by an Image Master, certified from any association,on a topic related to Image Management with due approval from IMPA Board. IMPA Master Classwill be on any trending/relevant topic beneficial for members in their professional practice of client consultation, general knowledge, or business enhancement.These will be organized as online National Learning (Paid) Events by the Chapters with the approval of IMPA Board.
IMPA Community Participation: IMPA will continue to organize activities that help in strengthening the Community of Image Management Professionals. Participation in these activities will earn CLCs for the Certified Members.
For example–
The complete list of activities under Community Participation are given in the CLC ELIGIBILITY CHART given at the end.
Paid Professional Practice: Paid Professional work undertaken and successfully completed will also earn CLCs for the certified members as it demonstrates professional experience leading to learning. A minimum requirement of 80 hours of paid work through client consultations and corporate assignmentsis to be undertaken per year, which will earn 2 CLCs for the certified member.
Consultants putting in 80+ hours up to 1000 hours of paid professional work per annum would earn 3 CLCs and those exceeding 1000 hours of work per annum will earn 5 CLCs. Details of the work done must be submitted in the CLC claim form as per prescribed format, to IMPA, for allotment of CLCs.
Other Important Points:
IMPA Continuous Learning Credits |
Learning Events |
1 | IMPA Master Class delivery | 10 CLCs |
2 | Attending IMPA Master Class | 3 CLCs |
3 | IMPA Expert Class delivery | 5 CLCs |
4 | Attending IMPA Expert Class | 2 CLCs |
5 | Delivery of IMPA Class | 3 CLCs |
6 | Attending an IMPA Class | 1 CLC |
Community Participation |
7 | IMPA National Conference - Participation | 5 CLCs per day |
8 | Speaker at IMPA National Conference | 5 CLCs |
9 | IMPA Chapter Head | 7 CLCs per year |
10 | IMPA Chapter Secretary | 4 CLC per year |
11 | Securing a one-time CSR activity related to Image Management/soft skills | 2 CLCs per activity |
12 | Facilitating a corporate tie-up for CSR initiatives – tie-up must result in ongoing assignment for IMPA & is subject to approval by IMPA | 4 CLCs per tie-up |
13 13 A |
Promoting IMPA initiatives announced from time to time for promotion of Image Management and development of IMPA certified members:
Maid-in-Heaven (If two or more members conduct the workshop, 2 CLC per member will be allotted) |
2 CLC per activity |
13B | Attending 3 image Circle Meetings | 1 CLC |
13C | Conducting 1 project in Image Circle Meeting | 1 CLC |
13D | Conducting IMGS workshop | 1 CLC per workshop |
14 | Getting an IMPA Leadership award | 4 CLCs |
15 | Getting an IMPA Special Recognition award | 2 CLCs |
16 | Contributing resources/ articles/ useful information for the benefit of all IMPA members on IMPA digital platforms (subject to IMPA approval) | 1 CLC per article |
Paid Professional Service |
17 | 80 mandatory hours of paid professional service of client consultations & corporate assignments per year for renewing certification. | Up to 80 hours 2 CLCs 80+ to 1000 hours – 3 CLCs 1000+ hours – 5 CLCs |
Name Of Member:
Periodfor Which CLC Is Being Claimed:From ……………………….. To ……………………….
Date of Claim:
Purpose of submission: RENEWAL/CERTIFICATION FOR LEVEL…………………………………….
SL |
Category & Activity for which CLC Is Claimed |
CLCs Eligible As Per CLC Chart |
Details Of Proof Furnished |
1 | Learning Activity – a. Attended IMPA class of Mr/Ms………….on date ……….. |
1 |
Entry amount paid and attendance with the Chapter |
2 | Community Participation Maid in Heaven session conducted IMGS Sessionsconducted 4 Date of event ……. No. of participants | 2 4 |
Photographs, Letter/email from society/ client/ testimonials from participants |
3 | Paid Professional Service | 2 | Copy of bank statement with details of fee received for consultations highlighted/underlined. |
Total CLCS Eligible/claimed | 9 |