CSR Sessions with ADORE India

IMPA Gurgaon Chapter collaborated with ADORE India to conduct impactful and transformative sessions.

ADORE  India is an NGO dedicated to creating learning opportunities for college students across India.

The IMPA Gurgaon chapter continued its CSR endeavors with Adore India. Seven IMPA Gurgaon members, Shikha Khatana, Anju Dahiya, Ruchika Verma, Ritu Goswami, Pallavi Chaudhuri, and Chapter Secretary - Anjna Verma, dedicated their time and expertise to guide the participants towards excellence.

Topics included Motivation and Resilience, Effective communication, Active Listening, Verbal and Non-verbal communication, Corporate Communication, Professional Networking, Group Discussion, Body Language, and Interview Preparation. The comprehensive approach aimed to equip the participants with the skills needed to navigate their professional journeys successfully was well-received and much appreciated!

Kudos to Team Gurgaon for the consistent and tireless efforts to make an impactful difference