On 21st and 28th November, Mamta Deval, Ruchita Mehra, and Sandra Barros conducted sessions at Modern English Medium School in Ghatkopar East as part of the IMPA initiatives along with Teach for India. There were a total of 110 students from grade 7.
The children participated in an open and enthusiastic manner. Sandra spoke to them about The Pride in Personal Appearance making them reflect upon what they needed to present themselves in the same manner in which they see someone whom they admire. This made them realize the importance of Grooming & Hygiene and the fact that the way we look affects the way we think & feel and therefore affects our self-confidence too. They discussed good habits & activities necessary for us to be neat and clean.
Ruchita covered the Attitude towards Money and touched upon aspects like the importance and value of Money, how we should spend in a responsible & sensible manner by distinguishing between a need and a want or a wish.
While explaining The Law of Attraction, Mamta highlighted the importance of having an Attitude of Gratitude and they were asked to speak out what they were thankful for. This helps us to think positively as we realize that our thoughts have energy and power and we are capable of creating our reality by changing our thoughts. We left feeling a bit empty as the engagement with them was over.
The children were interactive and enthusiastic. One of the boys named Salman kept coming up with famous quotes appropriate to the subject being discussed. The session was summarized with the following key words specific to the topics discussed:
The children committed to work at making one change in their life related to each of the topics.