Master the art of Digital marketing with Urvin Mistry

The session received a very good response from the participants. Though the session was planned for 1.5 hours the speaker covered far more than he had committed hence the session could not be concluded in 1 day. The overall session was planned right from the basics of social media marketing. The participants will now be able to do paid promotion by themselves as it was practically shown with hands on.
Participants learned how to plan the promotion strategy according to the demographics.
Search Engine optimization tool was explained to the participants where in the myth that it is a paid tool was cleared.
An avalanche of question was there. All the questions were answered. (50+ questions)
A second session was conducted considering network drop for some participants.
Key takeaways:

  • Instagram key word analysis
  • Right use of # in a post
  • Do’s and Don’t’s of email marketing, Whatsapp marketing.
  • Do’s and Don’t’s of Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin.
  • Apps that can be used for live to connect Facebook, Instagram Youtube at the same time
  • Graphic creation tools and websites.
  • Rules of social media
  • Difference between the audience on each platform and what to feed them with.
  • May 16 2020