Image Management Strategies To Boost Mental Health By Judith Rasband

On the occasion of World Image Day, Judith Rasband, one of the world’s senior most Image Consultant conducted a session for all the IMPA members on Image Management Strategies to Boost Mental Health. The session was very much appreciated by the participants, the practical approach, examples and the knowhow of the topics made all the participants achieve very good solutions to their problems which they can also narrate /tell their clients /relatives /family or anyone known to them suffering from this kind of disorders and how Image Management can help you achieve positive results. Judith’s session was really helpful for all the participants.

This event mainly focused on the below topics

1. What are mental Disorders?
2. What Is A Mental Health Crisis?
3. What Are Causes of Mental Health Disorders?
4. Techniques That May Help De-escalate A Crisis Moment.

  • December 07 2020