Event started with 22 participants. We had women from all walks of life – working, sabbatical, and home-makers. Everyone was very excited for the discussion, some started shy and quickly came to interact and learn from everyone’s experiences. The feedback was excellent as they felt such talks were the key to growth and help encouraging women that have been afraid and stay in their shell. They realized enhancing themselves with self confidence will help them grow. We started with ice breaking activity and a brief introduction of all the participants. Once they were little comfortable with everyone, we began with our taboo topic of the day- Struggles of working women. We got some very good and enthusiastic participants who had really good experiences to share with funny anecdotes. The event was kept alive and energetic with great leadership and engaging pointers on the topic by Geetarsh Kaur and Heena Somani. Everyone was inspired by the enthusiasm and insights of the two. They also were pretty excited about this being a regular event every month with some great suggestions on the topics as well. The event was followed by light refreshments sponsored by the venue partner – The Bohemian and TGB Ahmedabad